Compliance Assistant Program
As of 1st September 2019 your local council will take over the audit of underground petroleum storage systems (UPSS) and Environment Protection Plan ( EPP ) Documentation inspections.
It’s compulsory for all service stations in NSW to update and keep records of all required documents and also to perform the regular inspection and safety tasks, MyServo by providing a comprehensive SaaS (software as a Service) platform helping service station operators to maintain all required documents and keep record of all compulsory tasks.
Click on Register Now to join the program and avoid potential penalty from authorities.
MyServo provide a comprehensive digital solution to manage your site compliance and to mitigate your risk.
Platform consist of 3 major view include Site Owner’s view (PCBU) , Brand Admin’s view and Inspector’s view with hundreds of module, process and forms for each of them. below are some of the most fundamental record and process which every site has to have and provide with relevant ARA if needed which already implemented and available in MyServo.
Click on each menu to see details.
- EPP for UPSS or Fuel System Operation Plan documentation include:
- Site Details
- Site security & access info
- Person Responsible contacts
- Indicates location of records
- Design standards and industry specs
- Incident management procedure and records
- Site, pump and tank maintenance Schedule and record
- Leak detection records
- Loss monitoring records
- SIRA report made by 3rd party independent assessor
- Manual dipping
- ATG records (if applicable to your site)
- Record of any significant modification of your site
- Current ‘as-built’ drawings of your site
- Site plan to scale including:
- All tanks (Undergrounds and above the grounds)
- Fill points
- Pipelines,
- All buildings and infrastructure,
- All groundwater monitoring wells,
- Any unsealed ground surfaces,
- Fences and gates,
- Drainage and services,
- Adjacent land use
- Groundwater wells installation report
- Staff training manual and attendance records
- Who to contact in event of spill
- Spill clean-up procedures
- Incident management procedure
- Training record of the EMP (Emergency Management Plan)
- Food safety training
- Selling tobacco (only for Vic, QLD)
- Licencing requirements
- Dangerous Goods Notifications
- Trade Waste agreements
- Stormwater/Groundwater management
- Groundwater Monitoring records
- Forecourt design
- Oil Water Separator use and maintenance
- Isolated Diesel bowsers (if you have)
- Backflow protection inspection records
- Tobacco retailer license (only for NSW)
- Valid Food safety audit record
- Spill Response
- Spill Kit (refer to Management of spill containment for more detail)
- Emergency Management Plan
- Material Management,
- Storage of chemicals
- Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for all products in your site
- Waste Management
- Appropriate disposal of hazardous /contaminated chemicals or materials
- Waste tracking receipts
- Recycling facilities
- Copy of pre-commissioning tank integrity test report
- Copy of vapour recovery (VR1/VR2) Commissioning report
- Evidence of VR1/VR2 control equipment installed
- Copy of periodic testing of prescribed storage tank and control equipment fitted to the tank
- WHS 348: is the quantities of Schedule 11 hazardous chemicals , same as what mention on the notification on GLS and the site manifest?
- WHS 347/12: Manifest of hazardous chemicals include
- Name of PCBU
- Workplace address
- Date of the manifest was prepared and amended
- Business house and after-hours telephone number for 2 person who are contacted if there is a notifiable incident
- Name of the chemical and quantities stored
- Tank number and capacity
- Storage area for packaged hazardous chemical
- Where there are dangerous foods under ADG code is transit at the workplace the manifest should include a compilation of the transport documents
- Physical manifest box (Redbox /Hazchem box) with 003 key
- Site/scale plan which includes
- The main entrance and other places of entry to and exit from the workplace
- Essential site services, including fire services and isolation points for fuel and power
- All drains on the site
- Location of the manifest
- Includes the direction of true north
- Describes the nature of the occupancy of adjoining sites or premises
- WHS 346: Hazardous chemicals register include
- A list of all hazardous chemical, used, handled or stored
- Current SDS for all hazardous chemicals on sites
- Is it readily accessible to workers or anyone else who may be affected by the hazardous chemical?
- WHS 344: Safety Data Sheets include
- Are they in the 16-header format?
- Are they written in English?
- Do they include the required Australia information includes?
- Supplier
- Emergency contacts
- Exposure standards
- Have they been reviewed within the past 5 years?
- WHS 339: Suppler provision of safety data sheet available to customers
- WHS 341: Labelling hazardous chemicals “are the hazardous chemical used, handled or stored at the workplace correctly labelled in accordance with clause 335, schedule 9 part 3?
- WHS 43 & 361: is there a Site Emergency Plan (EMP) that includes:
- Evacuation procedure
- Evacuation Emergency plan/map
- Medical treatment and assistance
- Effective communication between the PCBU coordinator and all persons at the workplace
- Testing of the emergency procedure
- Have written recommendation provided by State’s Fire and Rescue have been incorporated into emergency plan
- Training records for the EMP “Information, training and instruction to relevant workers in relation to implementing the emergency procedure”
- WHS 363: Control of risks from storage or handling systems
- Records of inspection, testing and maintenance program for all process critical equipment such as:
- Pressure vessels
- Piping systems-pipework and valves
- Storage tanks
- Interlocks, relief or vent systems and devices, controls (including monitoring devices and sensors, alarms and interlocks)
- Pumps
- Transfer hoses and couplings
- Earthing and bonding equipment’s
- Shutdown systems (E Stop/ESD’s and emergency shut off)
- Emergency sys wash and showers
- Records of inspection, testing and maintenance program for all process critical equipment such as:
- WHS 351: Management of risks to health or safety
- All controls in place for the transfer of hazardous chemicals?
- Are there controls in place to prevent overfilling?
- Are transfer hoses regularly inspected and tested?
- Are there control in place to mitigate any risk associated with generation of static?
- Are there system in place to control vapour generation such a using enclosed system?
- Quick/emergency shut down of pumps used for transfer of high-volume transfer of hazardous chemicals?
- All controls in place for the transfer of hazardous chemicals?
- WHS 351: Management of risks to health or safety
- WHS 39 & 379: Provision of information, training and instruction and supervision
- Are training records available for:
- The implementation of the emergency plan (include emergency shutdown procedure)
- Authorised personnel regarding hazardous areas and source of ignition prohibited from entering restricted areas
- Transfer, loading, manufacture and storage of hazardous chemicals and use and select of PPE
- First aid staff
- Induction of workers, visitors and contractors?
- Are training records available for:
- WHS 349 and schedule 13: Outer warning placards – requirement to display
- Is the outer warning placard?
- The correct template for that location and hazardous chemical
- Clearly legible by persons approaching the placard
- Separate from any other sign or writing that contractors, qualifies or distracts attention from the placard
- Location at each entrance to the workplace where and emergency services authority may enter
- “Signal Red” in colour and of the dimensions per schedule 13?
- Is the outer warning placard?
- WHS 350 and Schedule 13: Placard – requirement to display.
- Are Bulk placards:
- The correct template for that location and hazardous chemical
- Clearly legible by persons approaching the placard
- Separate from any other sign or writing that contradicts, qualifies or distracts attention from the placard
- Located on or next to each container or storage are in which the hazardous chemicals are stored
- Compliant with the template and have dimensions as per schedule 13?
- Are Flammable liquids Category 4 in bulk containers and package storage in excess on 10,000L provided with placards that:
- Are clearly legible by persons approaching the placard
- Are separate from any other sign or writing that contradicts, qualifies or distract attention from placard
- Have black letters on a white or silver background
- Have dimensions as per schedule 13?
- Do storage locations with packaged hazardous chemicals in excess of placarding quantities have placards that:
- Are clearly legible by persons approaching the placard
- Are separate from any other sign or writing that contradicts, qualifies or distracts attention from the placard
- Are located at each entrance a storage area in which the hazardous chemicals are stored
- Have a white or silver background
- Include each required class label with dimensions compliant with schedule 13?
- Are correct for the class of hazardous chemical stored
- WHS 343: Labelling Hazardous Chemicals – pipe work
- Are hazardous chemicals in pipework identified by a label, sign or another way on or near the pipe work?
- WHS 353: Safety Signage:
- Where a safety sign is required does it
- Warn of hazard
- State the responsibilities in relation to the hazardous chemical
- Is the sign located next to hazard?
- Is it clearly visible to person?
- Where a safety sign is required does it
- WHS 349 and schedule 13: Outer warning placards – requirement to display
- WHS 357: Containing and managing spills
- Is provision made in each part of the workplace where the hazardous chemical are used, handled, generated or stored, for a spill containment system that contains within the workplace spills or leaks and any resulting effluent?
- Does the spill containment system provide for the clean-up and disposal of a hazardous chemical that spills or leaks, and any resulting effluent?
- Is there sufficient capacity of spill compounds?
- Are spill compounds impervious?
- Are spill compounds maintained?
- Is there a system to detect leaks and spills?
- WHS 357 & 360: Containing and managing spills/emergency equipment
- Is spill equipment such a spill kits appropriate, available an have staff been trained in its use?
- Is it maintained?
- WHS 358: Containers for hazardous chemical user, handled or store in bulk.
- Are hazardous chemical protected from damage so that containers of hazardous chemicals and any associated pipe work or attachments are protected against damage caused by an impact or excessive loads?
- WHS 357: Containing and managing spills